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You have three options so as to guarantee the peaceful fate of this Viking-land we call Central Catholic. Should you choose to accept one or the other, know that the task is of epic proportions; the destiny of Oakland rests on your shoulders. You must choose to live despite the reality of your own mortality--by doing so, you are worthy of the highest praise and the greatest of elegiac sympathies. The surmountable obstacles are as follows:
OPTION ONE: Choose any passage of at least 20 lines from the epic Beowulf and recreate it, using your own words, your own, modern-day idiom to spice things up. Be sure to type in the original, line-for-line, before transliterating it into your own dialect.
OPTION TWO: Imitate the alliterative style of at least 20 lines from the epic Beowulf and recreate the passage using your own subject matter. Be sure to type the original, line-for-line, before imitating it with your own subject matter in place of the original.
OPTION THREE: Choose any passage of at least 20 lines from the epic Beowulf and create a "spin-off" passage in which your write 20 lines of your own verse that extend the story as you see fit. Be sure to type the original, line-for-line, before spinning-off of it into a fiction of your own (using, of course, characters and themes from the poem itself).
This is due TUESDAY, September 30, 2008 by class time. Remember to head your submissions with MLA format and indicate the lines you are using for the chosen option above:
Your Name
My Name
ENG 141 / British Lit
Due Date
A Centered Title
(line numbers from poem)
In peace,
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Below is a link to a few student examples from last year's class: